Saturday, July 22, 2006

We spent the whole morning of Friday packing Amy's room for her return to Singapore....the clock showed 8:00am but it was actually 10:30am (old batteries) so we wasted 2hrs just hanging around in her room. The good news is that we managed to pack most of her stuff with only pillows and comforters left so our job is nearly done. After lunch at a nice Dim Sum place, Mummy and I proceeded to Queen Street mall where more shopping was to be done at Target, Meyer, Supre etc etc. Happy again!

In the evening it was a trip to South Bank markets were we browsed the shops for knick knacks. The highlight was the place were you could trace back your family's Coat of Arms. We keyed in Distant and lo and behold our family's coat of arms appeared. We're ITALIANS!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway we considered buying the print out for AUS$35 but later decided against it (Papa couldn't accept that we may be from the land of pasta and pizza).....but ever since then, he's been talking about it and wants to return to the market which btw is only opened on Friday night, Saturday and Sunday we're going to have to fit it into our busy schedule this weekend


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